
Cafe for sale on NSW South Coast


For sale is one of the finest coffee shops on the South Coast, located in a popular tourist town 3 hours South of Sydney.

Opportunities as good as this don’t come along every day, the rent is less than 5% of turnover!

This business will appeal to owner-operators and investors alike. Its idyllic seaside setting will ap-peal to anybody looking for a sea-change but investors will also note the solid regular income on a business with relatively low overheads.

Potential exists to apply for a liquor license and to open the business in the evenings, the spec-tacular views over the harbour would provide a setting that people would love to sit and enjoy with a quiet drink.

The current owners have worked hard to build a popular and successful business but a growing family is taking their attention away, creating this solid opportunity to purchase an amazing cafe.


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Lease Info

Size of Premises

Weekly Sales & Turnover

Members only

Coffee Sales Per (Kg)

Cost of Goods​



Net Profit​

Turnover (inc GST)

Gross Profit​


Total Expenses

Registered Buyers Only

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